It was a great pleasure to attend the Afternoon Reception in honour of Her Excellency, Gaitri Issar Kumar, Indian High Commissioner to the UK, during her visit to North Wales, and to hear her speak of her warm feelings for the people of Wales and of her positive vision for India-UK relations.
It was also a pleasure to visit wonderful Erddig Hall for a meeting with National Trust Wales. We discussed their work as a conservation charity and their commitment at Erddig to helping nature to nurture local communities in Wrexham.
I met the Director of walking and cycling charity Sustrans Cymru on the National Cycle Network at Hawarden Bridge for a walk and a chat about how we can make it easier for everyone in Wales to walk and cycle.
During an online meeting with the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) Wales, we discussed the next steps for the new Communication Access Symbol, launched by RCSLT and partner organisations to make life easier for all people in the UK who have communication needs, and implementation of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act.
Up to 20% of the UK population will experience communication difficulty. More than 10% of children have a long-term communication need, including developmental language disorder and language difficulties related to other conditions (including Autism and hearing impairment).
I joined the joint Hawarden Community Council and Queensferry Community Council online Meeting, called to consider changes proposed by Queensferry Medical Practice and to form a joint response. Widespread concerns were expressed that a move to Connah’s Quay would make it difficult for older people and disabled people living in the Queensferry area to visit a GP.
During an online meeting with the Chief Executive of the Welsh Local Government Association, we discussed Covid-19 Business Grants administered by Local Authorities in Wales and the need for local government, alongside driving the performance of public services, to empower and enable people in local communities to build sustainable communities for the future.
Other online meetings included an update on the Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm project off the Coast of North Wales; CCW in Wales, the voice for water consumers, to discuss the recommendations of their affordability review for financially vulnerable water customers; and Gylfinir Cymru / Curlew Wales. I also had a call to discuss irresponsible off-road vehicle driving and the serious problems arising from this for local residents and other users.
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