At a time of great worry for our nation as we face coronavirus, we have learnt that it truly does not discriminate and affects us all and that no-one, not even our nation’s leaders, are free from risk from this terrible Virus.
Our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has been exemplary in leading the fight against this battle and now, sadly has to fight his own personal battle with Covid-19. He is in the good hands with the diligent and hardworking members of the NHS.
On behalf of Wrexham Conservative Association we send our heartfelt wishes to Boris, and pray for a speedy recovery, and also hold in our thoughts his fiancé, Carrie and his family who will all no doubt be under immense worry at this time. Now is a time for humanity, not politics.
We know that Boris is a strong and determined character and will soon be well again, leading this nation in our fight against this disease.